September, 3 2023 at 3:13 pm

I was in a long-distance relationship for about two years and everything seemed to be going great. We spoke/texted almost every day, sometimes late into the night, and saw each other for long weekends every few months. The last time I saw him, he even encouraged me to get to know his mom better. Then a couple of months ago things suddenly changed. Instead of long conversations almost every night, he sent an occasional brief message or funny video. When I asked him what was going on, he blamed it on work stress. I just assumed it was another woman, but I was so close to this guy and I couldn't believe he would just slowly ghost me. So I finally asked him why things had changed between us, and he told me he's bipolar and that stress had caused a manic episode he was still struggling with. I was supportive and understanding, but the ghosting continued and I didn't push it.
Here’s the weird thing— he still views and likes my stories and my posts, and occasionally forwards a funny video. I know I could block him but things feel so unfinished.
Even though I know I didn’t do anything to cause his feelings to change, I’m weirdly heartbroken. I've spent the whole summer unable to let go of the hurt this has caused my self esteem.
How can I make peace with how things just fizzled instead of officially ending?